Sunday, September 11, 2011

Good Reading

This book is amazing. Simply fascinating. AND, it's written for dyslexics, with large, easy font. It takes a couple of hours to read it, if you skip the end where he goes through his methods.

It describes the way dyslexics think, and while I could not totally understand the unique way their brains process information, it was enlightening nonetheless.  I guess it would be like trying to explain sight to someone who was born blind in a community of blind people who had no language for 'seeing'. If you know anyone who has dyslexia, I recommend you read this book.

The Author, Ron Davis, was thought to be retarded, until he figured out ways to cope with the way his brain processed information. Turns out he's a genius who could not only do complex algebraic equations in his head, but who is also a gifted sculptor.

While the other books I have read talk about how dyslexics read with the 'wrong' part of their brains, and how they need to be drilled into doing the 'right' way, this book explains why different is GOOD, and how to get around the reading problem, without forcing them to alter their brain pathways.

According to some of the scientists theories, dyslexics have underdevelopment phonologic modules. They  don't process the smallest parts of language in the 'normal' part of their brains. Phonemes are lost on them. These same scientists profess that if you can just force them to learn phonics, they will eventually rewire the neural pathways they need and learn to read.

It doesn't feel right to me.

They are gifted because of their ability to think differently. Why would I want to shove her square brain into their round hole? Why are squares always bad? If I forced her brain to 'do it the right way', what toll would that take on her other abilities? Maybe it wouldn't affect anything else-- I'm just guessing here, but as I was reading these other books, I was totally put off by them. I hope that was the Spirit telling me to take another path.

It sure would be easier to do it their way, I'd have curriculums galore, and several methods to choose from. The United States teaches phonics. If you struggle with phonemes, you're not going to get phonics. Not to mention that phonics only works 50% of the time, for everything else, you just have to memorize the exception to the rule.

My SIL from NZ was telling me how her Mum (a lifelong elementary teacher) was ranting about how stupid it is to teach phonics when it is so ineffective. They don't do it that way in NZ. They use a multi-sensory approach, and only use phonics a little. As she was explaining to me the method they use, it sounded exactly like what I've read about for dyslexics. I need to go to NZ and sit in on their 1st grade classes, or Kindy rather, as their 7 yos are already fluent readers.

Maybe I can Skype Melissa, and she can teach Kate their way! LOL. Oh that would be easy right?

"Here Kate, sit down here. Watch Melissa. Have fun!"



  1. Maybe Dru will get this job in the city which means I can tutor her.
    We'll see.

  2. Ok this is Melissa again.
    But I'm sure Dru will be happy to work in SLC to help Kate.
