Monday, November 28, 2011

Live and Learn

Well, the great 'home schooling experiment' of 2011 is officially at an end. Kate went back to school full time today. She was ecstatic. So am I.

When the schools psychologist gets his evaluation done, we'll get her an IEP that will help mitigate her dyslexic problems, and hope for the best.

We'll be watchful of her attitude towards school, and be willing to re-evaluate if she starts to develop self esteem issues. But for now, she loves her teacher, the psychologist, the speech therapist, pretty much everyone over there--

Chris keeps reminding me that she'll 'figure it out' sooner or later-- eventually she'll learn to 'get around' her dyslexia.


I hope so.

Lesson learned: I can't force her to learn. I can't even help her. I can only be patient and understanding when she is struggling.

Back to life as we know it...


  1. I hope she does well and I think it's great you took her out.
    At least you're back to life as you know it right? More time to shop at DI maybe lol

  2. Big decision, again. And, obviously, big lessons to have learned...and wouldn't have unless you'd given your all and researched as much as you did. I saw her walking up to school this morning. She looked happy to be on her way...

  3. I'm sure this process has been difficult, but how wonderful to know the things you have done with her, the things you have learned along the way, and growth gained. And who knows, maybe it was all the people, testing and connections you needed to make along the way during this time of teaching her and also being aware of the situation, is just what you needed during the last few months? And now, that so much has been learned, she is now ready to go back to all-day school and FLY! I know she can do it. She will do great and all will work out perfect. You are such a great mom, to be able to let go when necessary, and let her make those decisions to grow.
